Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
4FILES32.ZIP | Yes | 109074 | 6/15/1995 | 4Files 3.21 is a file manager and text editor for 4DOS & NDOS. (Larry T. Edwards) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
AMIPASS.ZIP | Yes | 12463 | 6/13/1995 | Q&D AMIPASS 1.0 decrypts old AMI BIOS passwords (circa 1993) from CMOS. (Philippe Guiochon) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
BMENU14.ZIP | Yes | 254664 | 6/8/1995 | Bmenu 1.4 is a simple batch menu system. (Gene Goodwin) (Reg.Fee: $17) |
BOOTMODI.ZIP | Yes | 46677 | 5/30/1995 | BootModify 2.0 allows you to create and execute multiple boot configurations from a menu. (Olaf Robke) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
BOOTR215.ZIP | Yes | 418239 | 6/13/1995 | Boot'R 2.15 is a multiple configuration manager, allowing you to easily boot your system up with different drivers and TSR's installed. NEW: option to warm boot, safe boot, or cold boot the computer, and it makes backup copies of WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI. (Craig S. Stevenson) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $35) |
BTMK3.ZIP | Yes | 422617 | 5/20/1995 | BatchMaker Plus 3.0 is a complete DOS shell and program manager which allows you to launch programs and utilities from a menu of up to 500 batch files. (Brian Pfaffl) (Reg.Fee: $40) |
CFG.ZIP | Yes | 84951 | 5/30/1995 | CFG 2.42 is a system device driver that provides multiple utilities for use during CONFIG.SYS execution: beep the speaker, clear the screen to specified colors, swap serial ports, swap parallel ports, display text, pause, set EGA to 43 or VGA to 43 or 50 lines, store text in inter-application communication area, conditional pause, produce a series of tones, delay execution for a specified period of time, and more. NEW: enhanced batch command to make installation batch files easier to write. (Mark Treadwell) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
CIDJNC11.ZIP | Yes | 34212 | 6/15/1995 | CID_JNC 1.1 is a 39k TSR which logs phone calls received using the Caller-ID service provided by your local telephone company and a modem with Caller-ID support. (James N. Cox) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $13-29) |
CLOCK372.ZIP | Yes | 114436 | 6/13/1995 | Clock (RQS) 3.72 replaces the DOS internal clock, providing automatic DST conversion, control of your BIOS clock and battery clock, adjustment for clock drift and more. NEW: improved CLK.INI file. (Ronald Q. Smith) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
DELA13.ZIP | Yes | 7843 | 5/30/1995 | Dela 1.3 is a 3k TSR which launches any command or application from the DOS prompt at the specified time of day. (James N. Cox) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
DMENU177.ZIP | Yes | 58386 | 6/14/1995 | DougMenu 1.77 is a menuing system that can be used on networked or stand alone PC. (Douglas Bell) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DMENU400.ZIP | Yes | 12884 | 6/20/1995 | DMenu 4.0 is a menu system for DOS. (Graeme Barnes) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
DOSMNU.ZIP | Yes | 651892 | 6/16/1995 | DOSmenu 7.4c is a menu system for network and single systems. (Skip Bremer) (Reg.Fee: $40) |
DPL12.ZIP | Yes | 187132 | 6/15/1995 | Dos Program Launcher 1.2 is a menuing system with a graphical interface, point and click capability and password protection. (Datasolv Technologies) (Reg.Fee: $23) |
ECHOB300.ZIP | Yes | 9550 | 6/19/1995 | EchoBlok 3.00 enhances DOS 6's CONFIG.SYS menu system. NEW: added /M option to remove [header] lines, include lines, and all folding and indenting, to make usable CONFIG.SYS files out of options in a menu. (Richard N. Wisan) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
EM.ZIP | Yes | 157819 | 6/20/1995 | Easy Menu 6.4 allows you to create DOS menus for launching programs.tions on a scrollable menu. (John Turnbull) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
FAMENU7.ZIP | Yes | 214556 | 6/15/1995 | Fast Access 7.01 allows you to access any program from a menu. (Peter Muhlhauser) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
GRTOOL10.ZIP | Yes | 291353 | 6/22/1995 | Great-Tools 1.0 is a collection of 10 utilities to perform a variety of tasks. (Roland Ortloff) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
ICONDOS.ZIP | Yes | 396475 | 5/30/1995 | IconDOS 2.5 is an application launcher for DOS similar to Window's Program Manager, complete with icons and wallpaper. (EFD Systems) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
IRQSHOW.ZIP | Yes | 7247 | 6/12/1995 | IRQShow 1.1 is an 11k TSR which displays in the top left corner of your DOS screen all IRQ settings that are currently in use. (Stefan Cordes) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
MDESK322.ZIP | Yes | 162032 | 5/30/1995 | Magic Desk 3.22 is a Windows-style graphical interface menu for DOS. (David L. Frees) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $33) |
MRMENU2.ZIP | Yes | 28281 | 6/21/1995 | MrMenu 2.0 is a menu program that allows you to quickly and easily set up custom menus. (Patrick Harvey) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MW101.ZIP | Yes | 71368 | 6/12/1995 | MathWORX 1.01 is a calculator with editable storage. (Spectra Computer Products) (Reg.Fee: $35) |
PS13.ZIP | Yes | 620651 | 5/30/1995 | PhantomScreen 1.3 At last, there is a shareware screen saver for DOS to rival those for Windows. (NeoSoft Corp.) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
PTHORA31.ZIP | Yes | 705569 | 6/14/1995 | Plethora 3.1 is a complete desktop and program manager which features an attractive graphical interface with sound card support. (Brandyware) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
QM31B.ZIP | Yes | 522676 | 6/1/1995 | QuikMenu III 3.1b is a graphical user interface DOS menu program. (NeoSoft Corp.) (Reg.Fee: $40) |
STWTCH16.ZIP | Yes | 95574 | 6/13/1995 | StopWatch (MP) 1.60 is a computer chronograph which also includes date, calendar, and holiday functions. (MacGregor K. Phillips) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $35) |
SUNIQ96.ZIP | Yes | 245662 | 5/29/1995 | Bill Stewart's Unique DOS Utilities 9.6 is a collection of 23 utilities for performing various directory and file manipulation tasks. (Bill Stewart) (Reg.Fee: $10-15) |
TSHOT4.ZIP | Yes | 29551 | 2/3/1995 | Textshot 4.0 is a 20K TSR that saves images of any 80-column text screen to monochrome PCX format. (Craig McAdams) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
UPCSH30.ZIP | Yes | 36047 | 6/15/1995 | UpCopy 3.0 copies new files from one location to another in both directions. (Joel Kurasch) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $30-45) |
UTL114.ZIP | Yes | 180803 | 5/12/1995 | MicroFox Utilities 1.14 includes a file lister and printer list, tick counter for testing BIOS and TSRs, and a batch delay command.ialer, forms filler, and more. (Jim Hass) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $12) |